1 863 Resultater
Unfurnished studio flat with terrace
11075 NOK / måned
Pilestredet 36A, 0166 Oslo, Norway
1 rom
Unfurnished one bedroom flat
11623 NOK / måned
Skjelderups gate 17, 0559 Oslo, Norway
Leilighet - 3 roms, Nils Uhlin Hansens Veg 22, Trondheim | Leilighet til leie i Trondheim | 339852
11000 NOK / måned
Stolpstuhaugen, Nils Uhlin Hansens veg 22, 7026 Trondheim, Norway
3 rom
Leilighet - 2 roms, Lidarende 7, Trondheim | Leilighet til leie i Trondheim | 339793
14000 NOK / måned
Lidarende 7, 7050 Trondheim, Norway
2 rom
Unfurnished one bedroom large flat, with roof terracce
17134 NOK / måned
Pilestredet 31, 0166 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished one bedroom flat small, with roof terrace
12564 NOK / måned
Unfurnished one bedroom flat, top floor
14148 NOK / måned
Nedre Foss, Akerselva, Rigmor Luihns vei, 0551 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished one bedroom flat, small, lower floor
13500 NOK / måned
Unfurnished studio flat with loft for singles
8163 NOK / måned
Rolf E. Stenersens allé 28A, 0858 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished one bedroom flat, large
11859 NOK / måned
Trimveien 6, 0372 Oslo, Norway
Leilighet - 2 roms, Nordre Sprovei 23, Fagerstrand | Leilighet til leie i Nesodden | 339784
19000 NOK / måned
Holtet, Nordre Sprovei 23, 1454 Fagerstrand, Norway
Leilighet - 4 roms, Loråsvegen 159B, Inderøy | Leilighet til leie i Inderøy | 339826
13000 NOK / måned
Øvre Lorås, Loråsvegen 159B, 7670 Inderøy, Norway
4 rom
MAJORSTUA - Flott 2 (3)-roms leilighet med meget sentral beliggenhet - Ledig fra januar
17500 NOK / måned
Ole Vigs gate 19B, 0366 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished studio flat (additional agreement, construction noise)
10394 NOK / måned
Gjerdrums vei 10A, 0484 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished studio flat for singles
6933 NOK / måned
8486 NOK / måned
Nedre Ullevål 9, 0850 Oslo, Norway
10912 NOK / måned
Hasleveien 9, 0571 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished studio flat for single
8225 NOK / måned
Unfurnished studio flat, small, with balcony
8500 NOK / måned
Kiwi Kringsjå, Olav M. Troviks vei, 0864 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished large sized studio flat (additional agreement, construction noise)
14963 NOK / måned
Unfurnished 2 room flat with roof terrace
14197 NOK / måned
Industrigata 71, 0357 Oslo, Norway