223 Results
Unfurnished large studio flat for single
8370 kr / month
Nedre Foss, Akerselva, Rigmor Luihns vei, 0551 Oslo, Norway
1 room
Unfurnished studio flat with loft for singles
8163 kr / month
Rolf E. Stenersens allé 28A, 0858 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished large sized one bedroom flat
11031 kr / month
Unfurnished studio flat with terrace for single
8656 kr / month
Pilestredet 36A, 0166 Oslo, Norway
Furnished studio flat for single
8044 kr / month
Trimveien 6, 0372 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished single room in quartet
6942 kr / month
Furnished one bedroom flat
8909 kr / month
Kiwi Kringsjå, Olav M. Troviks vei, 0864 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished one bedroom flat, small, lower floor
13500 kr / month
Unfurnished studio flat
11138 kr / month
Pilestredet park 45, 0176 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished one bedroom flat, large
11859 kr / month
Unfurnished one bedroom flat over two storeys
11750 kr / month
Unfurnished one bedroom flat with balcony
13834 kr / month
Sørligata 38, 0577 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished studio flat with loft
12117 kr / month
Hasleveien 9, 0571 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished one bedroom flat small, with roof terrace
12564 kr / month
Pilestredet 31, 0166 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished studio flat for single
8012 kr / month
Unfurnished one bedroom flat
12356 kr / month
Industrigata 71, 0357 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished one bedroomflat for couples
8443 kr / month
Unfurnished, small size, studio flat with alcove and roof terrasse
10947 kr / month
Unfurnished studio flat, large size, with alcove and roof terrasse
13587 kr / month
Unfurnished one bedroom flat for single
9000 kr / month
Nedre Ullevål 9, 0850 Oslo, Norway
Furnished large studio flat with loft
11493 kr / month
Moldegata 10, 0468 Oslo, Norway