47 Results
Unfurnished studio flat for singles
6850 kr / month
Trondheimsveien 27, 0560 Oslo, Norway
1 room
Furnished studio flat for single
6824 kr / month
Kiwi Kringsjå, Olav M. Troviks vei, 0864 Oslo, Norway
Twin room, one semester, fully equipped
4200 kr / month
Stensberggata 9, 0170 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished studio flat in terrace house
7633 kr / month
Rolf E. Stenersens allé 28A, 0858 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished single room
4425 kr / month
Schultz’ gate 29, 0365 Oslo, Norway
Furnished single room, private bathroom
5159 kr / month
Jens Bjelkes gate 42, 0578 Oslo, Norway
Furnished single room, sharing with one
5905 kr / month
Trimveien 6, 0372 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished single room, large
6523 kr / month
5043 kr / month
Nedre Ullevål 9, 0850 Oslo, Norway
Single room, furnished, fully equipped
5825 kr / month
Furnished studio flat with loft
7686 kr / month
Moldegata 10, 0468 Oslo, Norway
Furnished single room, private bathroom, KHiO
6464 kr / month
Skjelderups gate 17, 0559 Oslo, Norway
Furnished single room with bunk bed
7127 kr / month
Unfurnished studio flat for single
7854 kr / month
Hasleveien 9, 0571 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished single room, sharing with one
6269 kr / month
Bjerregaards gate 21, 0172 Oslo, Norway
7944 kr / month
Furnished small studio flat with loft
7327 kr / month
7351 kr / month
Unfurnished studio flat for single, limited view
7881 kr / month
Pilestredet 31, 0166 Oslo, Norway
Unfurnished single room. Larger shared areas
5554 kr / month
6979 kr / month
Sandakerveien 99, 0483 Oslo, Norway