12 Results
Apartment for rent in , Nedre Ullevål 4
15200 kr / month
Nedre Ullevål 4A, 0850 Oslo, Norway
1 room
13800 kr / month
Unfurnished studio flat, medium size, for single
8400 kr / month
Nedre Ullevål 9, 0850 Oslo, Norway
Furnished single room, sharing with one
5043 kr / month
13600 kr / month
Apartment for rent in , Nedre Ullevål 3
15300 kr / month
Nedre Ullevål 3A, 0850 Oslo, Norway
2 rooms
Unfurnished large studio flat for single
8900 kr / month
Unfurnished studio flat for single
7944 kr / month
Unfurnished one bedroom flat for single
9000 kr / month
Unfurnished large one-bedroom flat for single
9800 kr / month
Unfurnished single room, sharing with one
6553 kr / month
Unfurnished one bedroom flat
8486 kr / month